30 Day Affirmation Challenge with Orgone Generators – day 4

I am confident in my decisions

Starting a routine of using affirmations with your orgone generator, chi card, or just in general is an excellent way to inspire personal growth, mindfulness and a positive mental state. Starting out each day with affirmations and finishing out the night with affirmations will help develop the habit. Start out each day stating the affirmation out loud and thinking about how it fits in your life. You might want to journal about it. If you have chi cards, or orgone generators. write it out and place it with your orgone generator (you might want to choose filters from the filter packs that go along with the affirmation) I will post suggestions each day.

Day 4: Topic: Confidence Goal: to trust in and embrace your decisions

Affirmation: I am confident in my decisions

It’s important when setting up successful manifestations to recognize that there are many ways to set up a manifestation. It’s a personal process. You can decide what works best for you and once you make a decision it’s important to see it through. It takes time to establish a habit and the first step to establishing it, is just to decide that it matters and to work at it a little at a time. If you tend to doubt yourself, write out decisions you have made that turned out well and keep them nearby to read in times of doubt. Filters to use with your orgone generator: Self-Confidence, and self-trust.

To check out a catalog of orgone generators etc if you’re located within the US, visit: https://www.chi-card.com/orderinfo/c_paypal.html

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