Feel free to comment questions about orgone generators, Karl Hans welz courses etc

I don’t know how many of my original orgone tech community members will make it back here, but if you do, feel free to reach out. I know that there’s a large gaping hole where my dad was and we can’t get answers directly from him now but I’ll do my best to get as close to what he would have said as possible. I’ll be bringing out some of his videos as well as others that we had on tvopk before as well. Let me know what you’re interested in hearing about and I’ll do my best to get to it.

4 thoughts on “Feel free to comment questions about orgone generators, Karl Hans welz courses etc

  1. Israel says:

    Hello Ren I don’t  have a digital multimeter to work with frequencies, I’ve seen in videos the use of the ExTech brand, could you recommend me the model you use? or another model that could be useful?
    I´m glad to be in contact again.

    1. admin says:

      do you have one of the older devices that is set up to set precise frequencies? I know my dad used to send a multimeter out with those… I don’t remember the exact brand but I don’t think the brand matters much specifically as long as it’s a device that will let you change the frequency…

  2. Israel says:

    Hello Ren, in the autogenic training guide it says that later you can learn powerful techniques to supply an increased amount of blood to any part of the body, and in some part it says that there is an advanced autogenic training course and a certification, is that course still available?
    I am glad to be in touch again.

    1. admin says:

      I don’t think the certification part ever got set up… he did some longer videos on autogenic training as a course and I have the videos of that but they’re not out to the public etc at this point.


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